A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Add Tableau Certification to LinkedIn

Today, Tableau is one of the largest tools used by companies for proper data analysis and management. Thus, they seek trained and certified professionals with Tableau. 

To secure high-ranking job positions, you must stand out among others. That's why you should utilize all resources, such as LinkedIn, where you can add all your certifications and information, positioning yourself as a professional on the platform, thereby gaining more views and opportunities.

Overview of Tableau Certification

Tableau certifications are recognitions provided by Tableau validating that the candidate is equipped with the knowledge and skills for accurate interpretation and analysis of data, solving problems based on them, and providing the greatest benefit and effectiveness to companies with Tableau tools.

Tableau certifications are of great importance if you are a professional data analyst, as Tableau is one of the most significant certifications within the IT field. Therefore, obtaining one will add considerable value to your resume.

What are the Different Levels of Tableau Certification?

Tableau offers different certifications and levels that cater to the needs of each professional.

  • Tableau Desktop Specialist

    This certification is for an Associate level and assesses the basic skills possessed by the candidate in Tableau Desktop Specialist, with a minimum of 3 months of practice.

  • Tableau Certified Data Analyst

    The Tableau Certified Data Analyst certification is for a professional level and evaluates if the candidate is capable of solving problems quickly and effectively with data analysis.

  • Tableau Server Certified Associate

    This certification is at the professional level and assesses administrative aspects and knowledge of the Tableau platform.

  • Tableau Consultant

    It is a professional-level certification that assesses knowledge and skills for visual analysis and Tableau tools and products.

  • Tableau Architect

    This professional-level certification evaluates the implementation of knowledge and practices for Tableau maintenance.

Importance of LinkedIn for Professionals

LinkedIn is one of the main platforms if you are a professional seeking a job, as certification alone will not suffice to qualify for a good job position. Here we present the importance of LinkedIn and the role it plays for professionals.

a. Abundance of opportunities

It is a network with large companies constantly seeking professionals. Additionally, you can set up job notifications that match your skills and are related to the IT industry.

b. Tailoring your profile

You will be able to add the most valuable and essential information to your profile, such as your experience, certifications, and a brief description that will tell companies who you are, thus taking the first step to contact you.

c. Credibility

By actively using the platform, companies can see your interaction and you will provide confidence through the valuable content and experience you are sharing. This will help you grow within the platform and connect with more professionals.

Why is it important to add your Tableau Certification on LinkedIn?

To make the most out of your certification and LinkedIn, you should add it to your profile, as it offers numerous advantages.

  • Professionalism

    Adding a certification to LinkedIn validates your knowledge and skills, which adds professionalism to your profile.

  • More complete profile

    You will have a more optimized and complete profile, which provides more confidence to companies when reaching out to you.

  • Increased recruitment opportunities

    Companies can evaluate if you are the person they are looking for, with the necessary skills and training. You will have more opportunities within the IT field as a professional data analyst.

  • Collaboration

    You allow other professionals to see that you have proven skills and knowledge, which gives them the confidence to invite you to work on projects and collaborate with them.

Step to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

An optimized profile is the key to success on LinkedIn and to maximize your opportunities.

  1. 1

    Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Headline

    A compelling headline using SEO and providing details about your profession allows recruiters to find your profile quickly and easily.

  2. 2

    Writing an Impactful Summary Section

    A concise summary explaining who you are, your skills, education, and experience gives a first impression to companies when they visit your profile.

  3. 3

    Adding Relevant Work Experience

    This is one of the most relevant sections; when recruiters come across your profile, they will first consider your experience. Therefore, include the most relevant and important experience you have within the IT field.

  4. 4

    Incorporating Education and Certifications

    Education is crucial for optimizing your profile. That's why it's important to use official resources and obtain recognized certifications like Tableau, to make a greater impact and instill confidence in companies.

Steps to Add a Tableau Certification to LinkedIn

  1. 1

    Accessing Your LinkedIn Profile

    The first thing you need to do is access your LinkedIn profile by clicking on "View profile." If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one.

  2. 2

    Selecting the "Add Certification" Section

    Scroll down on your profile to licenses and certifications, and click on the "+" symbol to add one.

  3. 3

    Inputting Tableau Certification Details

    Enter the name of the certification you obtained, the issuing company (in this case, Tableau), the issuance and expiration dates, and the certification credential.

  4. 4

    Verification of the Certification

    Wait for LinkedIn to validate the information and verify that the certification is indeed valid.

Tips for Enhancing Visibility and Credibility

An optimized profile is just the first step to success on LinkedIn; you must also have visibility and instill confidence in companies that are recruiting.

  • Leveraging LinkedIn Endorsements and Recommendations

    Recommendations and endorsements help give visibility to your profile, as they provide confidence to people who want to work with you. These testimonials validate your skills and experience.

  • Joining Tableau and Data Analytics Groups

    Joining groups allows you to interact with other professionals and provides various opportunities, such as collaborating with them or getting help from other professionals to solve doubts.

  • Sharing Tableau Projects and Insights

    Sharing projects and ideas you have worked on demonstrates your experience and professionalism, giving recruiters more reasons to work with you.

Networking with Tableau Professionals

It's important to make the most of LinkedIn to grow professionally and open doors alongside other professionals.

  • Finding Tableau Experts on LinkedIn

    You can search for other Tableau experts on LinkedIn to collaborate with them, seek help on projects, or clarify doubts. Learning from professionals is a great way to grow.

  • Connecting and Engaging with Tableau Community

    By actively engaging with the Tableau community, you can help others solve problems, stay updated on new technologies, and opportunities for work may arise.

  • Participating in Tableau Webinars and Events

    Attending Tableau events gives you the opportunity to interact with other professionals, learn from them, and open up opportunities for jobs and collaborations with them.

Showcasing Tableau Skills through LinkedIn Content

The only way to have visibility and have your profile taken into account is by demonstrating your skills, providing valuable content on LinkedIn.

a. Publishing Articles on Tableau Topics

Posting Tableau articles gives you more reach with other professionals, giving them the opportunity to contact you or recommend you as a professional, as they can see that you have knowledge about Tableau and experience. In this way, you also help other professionals solve doubts.

b. Sharing Tableau Visualizations and Dashboards

Sharing Tableau dashboards showcases your technical skills and proficiency in using Tableau, which generates more confidence. You'll attract more professionals to connect with you.

c. Commenting on Relevant Industry Updates

You can post constant updates that may arise, thus helping other professionals and motivating them to follow and connect with you, giving you more visibility and reaching a wider audience.

Measuring LinkedIn Success

To succeed, you must first identify your mistakes, which is why you must constantly monitor LinkedIn metrics.

a. Monitoring Profile Views and Engagement Metrics

You should study and analyze the people who visit your profile, how often they visit, and if they interact with your profile. This part is important to evaluate whether you are really successful with your articles and comments or if you need to improve and optimize for better reach and performance.

b. Tracking Networking Opportunities and Connections

Stay in constant search to collaborate with other professionals, so you can grow in the LinkedIn community and gradually build your network of professionals, which will give you more reach and success over time.


As we have seen, LinkedIn is a great platform to grow professionally. It provides connections with other professionals, helps you build your own network of contacts, and allows you to actively participate in Tableau communities, which provides opportunities in many ways and opens doors in various fields.

So, by putting into practice all the advice presented in this blog, you can achieve success as a Tableau professional on LinkedIn.


Can I add multiple certifications to my LinkedIn profile?

Yes, you can add as many certifications as you like.

How long does it take for a certification to appear on my LinkedIn profile?

It appears immediately on your profile.

Is it necessary to include expiration dates for certifications on LinkedIn?

Yes, if the certification expires, you should include the expiration date. This helps companies know if your certification is current and for how long.

Will adding certifications improve my LinkedIn profile's visibility to recruiters?

Yes, recruiters value profiles with certifications that validate skills and knowledge.

Can I remove or update certifications on my LinkedIn profile?

Yes, you can remove and update certifications on your profile.

About the author


Youssef is a Senior Cloud Consultant & Founder of ITCertificate.org

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